Linda Anderson

Adult Ed. CTP

Linda loves results!  She realizes that to be a successful leader you must understand the impact of change on a team.  Change has been a constant in Linda’s career. 


Linda gained her knowledge and experience through developing her roles within the practice of dentistry; as well as through continuing education and then as a practice management coach serving dentists across North America.


Linda has completed many courses in leadership; mediation, case presentation and has a Certificate in Adult Education through Saint Francis Xavier University.  She is also a past member of the Academy of Dental Management Consultants. Linda achieved the designation of Certified Training Practitioner from the Institute of Performance and Learning and recently was certified in the “Taking flight with DISC” assessment. 


As a coach, Linda recognizes talent, skills and knowledge in people. She is the go-to person when defining roles and skills in the areas of managing downtime, case presentation, accounts receivables, scheduling and much more.  Linda’s clients achieve their vision and gain financial returns on their investment.  She facilitates workshops on the business of dentistry and has been the instructor of the Dental Practice Management Certificate course at the University of Toronto Dental School department of Continuing education.


 The team approach to dentistry is important to Linda. She has the ability to create motion and momentum in others.  She believes that with understanding and humour a team will embrace change to achieve the results they desire.